5 Steps to a Harvest Project

You can make a difference in your community!


The “Harvest Card” is a simple five step plan designed to help Christians reach out to the people they know who need Jesus Christ.  The simple process was first introduced by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and has been adapted for Harvest North America from the Billy Grahan Evangelistic Association.

The 5 Steps

One:  Your mission field is where you live and where your family, neighbors, people you work with or go to school with live.  List the names of these people in your life who you know need Jesus, people you will pray for regularly.

Two:  God changes people through prayers.  Pray each day for those on your list that God will give you opportunities to share His love with them.

Three:   Build of continue sincere friendships with each person on your list.  Become their friend, the kind of friend you want to have!  Spend time with them, invite them to your home, share a meal.  Just be a real friend that they can have confidence in – who you really are.

Four:  Invite them to special events in preparation for the Harvest Project like a men’s breakfast, a ladies luncheon, or a youth night.  You have a solid relationship with this person so let them know that you are looking forward to the Harvest Project at your church,  Ask them for the opportunity, on a specific date (i.e., Thursday or Friday), to visit with them with a friend who will share their personal story about how Christ has changed their life.

Five:  Commit to those who respond in Christ and those who begin to show interest in the Gospel.  They need your encouragement,  Continue to love and support those who do not respond right away.  God brings in the Harvest.